Saturday, August 22, 2009

What are we going to do with all of this $$$ we saved today!?!

Its 5:00 p.m. and I am exhausted! Yet, I am also excited about all that we've accomplished today. Since Hubs' schedule was soooo very busy this week we agreed that we would go ahead and have a lawn guy come over to the house to mow the lawn. Hubs normally does all of the yard work, because we just cant justify the expense of having someone else do it ... at more that $100 a pop. We live on a budget. Yuck. Well, of course since we finally decided to have someone else come and do it (out of fear that our neighbors might start picketing us since the grass was soooo beyond embarrassing long). Well of course the guy never showed up! I guess reliable is not this dude's middle name. So, on his first day off in what feels like an eternity Hubs spent 3 hours this morning doing yard work. Well, that's $100 saved. Since we had already decided to spend that money we've agreed to do something fun tonight .... and, wait for it .... spend the money and not feel guilty about it! While hubs was doing lawn work I was working in the house (yeah, we have no maid either). So, there's another $100 saved. We groomed both dogs ... about $75 saved. Woo-hoo!
Lawn $100
House $100
Dogs $75

Simply put, we saved $275 today. Not bad. Now for the fun stuff... dinner and shopping. I just wish we could afford a baby sitter. Oh well, you cant win 'em all!


  1. So, what did you guys do for fun! :)

    I just found your blog, and as a brand new 1L and a wife, I can't wait to read more about life after law school! I'll be back!

  2. Hey there! We are bookswap partners. I am going to start a list of books I have available to swap. My email is just shoot me an email when you get a chance!

  3. Just stumbled upon your blog through I Pick Pretty - love the name! (I'm a lawyer and mother to a young daughter myself).

  4. Three bar exams! You deserve an award!

  5. that's a great way to look at it! i hope you have fun :)

  6. Check you out...saving money! You did just what we did this weekend. We do our own yard and everyone around us hires people. We did house work too! Saves so much money and can be times! Can't wait to hear about what you did for fun!

  7. Such a cute post! I hope yall had a great date night.
